Žij Život - Bc. Jan Petr

Oblečení pro radost

Chains are one of the more versatile accessories you can match up with your womens mens clothing. Adding a chain to the simplest of outfits can make it look it special and unique. Chains can be worn around the waist as a belt, hanging around the neck as a necklace and wrapped around the wrist like a bracelet. It all depends on what style suits your look. Chains can be made of silver, gold, brass or beads. Most women have a variety of chains suitable for each of their outfits. Silver and gold chains are generally used to accessorize formal clothing whereas brass and beads are used on casual clothing. Make sure not to wear too many chains at once. It is also imperative that you do not wear too many different colored chains at the same time or it can look very tacky.


  • Ulice: Starochodovská 755/12
  • PSČ: 149 00
  • Město: Praha 4 – Chodov
  • Kraj: Hlavní město Praha
  • Země: Česká republika


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